We provides Wireless "Last Mile" access services including cost effective Consumer Broadband, Wifi Hotspots, innovative Connectivity Solutions for Businesses and high speed Point to Point links. We offer fast, cost effective access to a range of innovative Wireless services.
Our services start with low cost entry level solutions and scale to high bandwidth corporate services and our Wireless Network offers a wide coverage solutions Tech Accurasys founded in couples of years ago and achived a wide reage of custoemr due its definite and comitted services offerings, is an independent network infrastructure provider.
We builds outdoor fixed wireless access networks. Amobia's focus is on corporate branch connectivity solutions and high speed point to point links. Consumer services include cost effective wireless broadband internet access and wifi hotspots.
We offer fast, cost effective access to a range of innovative Wireless services. Our services start with low cost entry level solutions and scale to high bandwidth corporate services.Our Wireless Network offers a wide coverage area. See if we have coverage in your area now!
Contact our sales team today to arrange a quote and free site survey.
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