WRIST LASER System 5 Laser
1.) Laser medium : GaAlAs Semiconductor
2.) Laser wavelength: 650nm
3.) Terminate laser medium quantity : 5pcs.
4.) single laser medium terminate output voltage :=5mw
5.) Terminate output laser control :3 grade for adjustment.
6.) Fixed time range: 10 minutes to 60minutes, and six grade for adjustment.
7.) Battery voltage: 3.7 to 4.2V
8.) Lithium ion battery output voltage:5.5V
9.) Instrument power consumption:<1 W
10.) Environment temperature:5?-40?
11.)Relative humidity: =80%
12.) atmospheric pressure:86kpa-106kpa
Pulsed Laser Shatters Parasites & Viruses

In another biophysics breakthrough, new research indicates that pulses of visible light from a laser can be used to destroy viruses in biological samples, such as blood. According to reports, the visible light is actually more effective at disrupting the virus' structure than traditional eradication methods, such as UV or microwave irradiation. Those other forms can also trigger mutations within the viruses, perhaps generating resistances.

A laser is a device which is built on the principles of quantum mechanics to create a beam of light where all of the photons are in a coherent state - usually with the same frequency and phase. (Most light sources emit incoherent light, where the phase varies randomly.) Among the other effects, this means that the light from a laser is often tightly focused and does not diverge much, resulting in the traditional laser beam.
How a Laser Works
In simplest terms, a laser uses light to stimulate the electrons in a "gain medium" into an excited state (called optical pumping). When the electrons collapse into the lower-energy unexcited state, they emit photons. These photons pass between two mirrors, so there are more and more photons exciting the gain medium, "amplifying" the intensity of the beam. A narrow hole in one of the mirrors allows a small amount of the light to escape (i.e. the laser beam itself).
How do the flash tube and the crystal make laser light?
1.A high-voltage electric supply makes the tube flash on and off.
2.Every time the tube flashes, it "pumps" energy into the ruby crystal. The flashes it makes inject energy into the crystal in the form of photons.
3.Atoms in the ruby crystal (large green blobs) soak up this energy in a process called absorption. When an atom absorbs a photon of energy, one of its electrons jumps from a low energy level to a higher one. This puts the atom into an excited state, but makes it unstable. Because the excited atom is unstable, the electron can stay in the higher energy level only for a few milliseconds. It falls back to its original level, giving off the energy it absorbed as a new photon of light radiation (small blue blob). This process is called spontaneous emission.
4.The photons that atoms give off zoom up and down inside the ruby crystal, travelling at the speed of light.
5.Every so often, one of these photons hits an already excited atom. When this happens, the excited atom gives off two photons of light instead of one. This is called stimulated emission. Now one photon of light has produced two, so the light has been amplified (increased in strength). In other words, "light amplification" (an increase in the amount of light) has been caused by "stimulated emission of radiation" (hence the name "laser", because that's exactly how a laser works!)
6.A mirror at one end of the laser tube keeps the photons bouncing back and forth inside the crystal.
7.A partial mirror at the other end of the tube bounces some photons back into the crystal but lets some escape.
8.The escaping photons form a very concentrated beam of powerful laser light.
Laser Blasts Viruses In Blood
ScienceDaily (Sep. 5, 2007) — A father-son research team working from separate laboratory benches across the country has discovered a new use for lasers — zapping viruses out of blood. The technique, which holds promise for disinfecting blood for transfusions, uses a low-power laser beam with a pulse lasting just fractions of a second.
Johns Hopkins University student Shaw-Wei David Tsen says it was during a stroll in the park with his father that the idea was born. Tsen, an immunology researcher in the laboratory of T.C. Wu at Hopkins’ Kimmel Cancer Center, sought a new method to rid isolated blood of dangerous pathogens, including the viruses HIV and hepatitis C. He says current techniques using UV irradiation and radioisotopes can leave a trail of mutated or damaged blood components.
Using ultrasonic vibrations to destroy viruses was one possibility, but his father, Kong-Thon Tsen, a laser expert at Arizona State University, had a better idea: Lasers, unlike ultrasound, can penetrate energy-absorbing water surrounding the viruses and directly vibrate the pathogen itself.
A study by Kong-Thon Tsen of Arizona State University along with researchers at Johns Hopkins University shows how strong blasts of visible light from a low-power laser can kill viruses. The laser technique appears to be more successful than other methods at killing viruses, while also posing less harm to healthy tissue.
In their study, the researchers blasted a virus with a quick pulse of purple laser light. The laser, which only shines for 100 femtoseconds (a femtosecond is one millionth of a billionth of a second), causes the virus's capsid (its outer shell) to vibrate and become damaged. Essentially, the virus becomes "deactivated" while the area around the virus remains unharmed. The treatment doesn't cause viruses to mutate either, which is a problem in other virus treatments and can lead to viral resistance.
While the treatment is still in testing, it presents an array of potential applications. Serious diseases like HIV/AIDS and hepatitis could be blasted with laser light.
The researchers aimed a low-power laser with a pulse lasting 100 femtoseconds (10-13 second) into glass tubes containing saline-diluted viruses that infect bacteria, also known as bacteriophages. The amount of infectious virus within each cube plummeted 100- to 1000-fold after the laser treatment. “I had to repeat the experiment several times to convince myself that the laser worked this well,” says the younger Tsen.
His laser is different from those emitting a continuous beam of visible light. “Our laser repeatedly sends a rapid pulse of light and then relaxes, allowing the solution surrounding the virus to cool off,” Tsen says. “This significantly reduces heat damage to normal blood components.”
The low-power laser fries at frequencies that can selectively nail viruses, but leave the human cells around them unharmed. The laser doesn't destroy viruses through heat -- but through vibrations, instead.
Building on the idea that vibration wrecks a virus’ outer shell, the scientists found that their low-power laser selectively destroys viruses and spares normal human cells around them, while stronger beams kill almost everything.
Father and son speculate that laser vibrations could destroy drug-resistant and -sensitive viruses alike.
Wu says that the technique his student developed “could potentially be used to control communicable diseases by giving infusions of laser-treated blood products.”
The scientists published their results in the July 13 issue of the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. They will continue their studies using different viruses.
Says Wu, “We believe this work on bacterial viruses is promising, but the real test will be with more serious pathogens like HIV and hepatitis.”

The National Science Foundation funded the research.
Additional collaborators include Chih-Long Chang and Chien-Fu Hung from Johns Hopkins and Juliann G. Kiang from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.
Lasers are more than just powerful flashlights. The difference between ordinary light and laser light is like the difference between ripples in your bathtub and huge waves on the sea. You've probably noticed that if you move your hands back and forth in the bathtub you can make quite strong waves. If you keep moving your hands in step with the waves you make, the waves get bigger and bigger. Imagine doing this a few million times in the open ocean. Before long, you'd have mountainous waves towering over your head!
A laser does something similar with light waves. It starts off with weak light and keeps adding more and more energy so the light waves become ever more concentrated. The "white" light produced by an ordinary flashlight contains many different light rays of different wavelengths that are incoherent (out of step with one another). But in a laser, all the light rays have the same wavelength and they are coherent (in step). This is what makes laser light such a powerful concentration of energy.
Semiconductor Laser Tharpy treats HIV/AIDS
New technologies are currently being studied in the world, in which the laser impulses can kill viruses contained in blood without killing the healthy tissues. These technologies are in the stage of verification and they consist in laser light impulses destroying viruses, ut not healthy cells: http://news.israelinfo.ru/.
Laser semiconductor laser therapy of the blood – works on the principle of normalisation of blood conditions and immunity, increasing this way the resistance of live tissues to bacteria, viruses and infections. It leads to the incerase of quality of life and to the treatment or suppression of primary disease or accompanying complications.
The study of Mr. Sizov and Maslov /1999/ studied the effectiveness of laser therapy in HIV/AIDS treatment. They have irradiated the blood, bone marrow and immuno-competent zones of human body. The conditions of patients improved already after one application of laser therapy. The normalization of blood was proven and the immunity improvement. Bz the majority of patients the disease did not proceed to the heaviest stage during and after the treatment http://www.milta.kiev.ua/pubs/BOOK2/g23.html
On the basis of these results, positive effect of laser on the blood and immunity can be expected in most cases diagnosed with HIV/AIDS.
Clinical studies carried out in Russia on HIV/AIDS ???/???? show that the complex laser effect is efficient and brings results. It leads to effective normalization /modulation/ of blood. It also leads to the improvement of general patients´ conditions of patients, lifesaving and improvement of quality of life through elimination of AIDS related illnesses. Monitoring shows that positive results of treatment persist for a relatively long time, i.e. 6 to 12 months after last treatment.
Nasal and Blood Laser enables a day-to-day blood irradiation and this causes that the effect lasts for a long time. It enables also surface irradiation of biologically active points. Several sources find such combined therapy to be effective and efficient. However, crucial is the blood irradiation through nasal cavity with the complex curative effect on the whole human body. In the case of HIV diagnosis, some resources list regions/points such as: veins in the region of elbow, region of projection of thymus, projection of liver from the front, projection of spleen from the front, armpit and vertebra and other imunity related points.
Ing. František Kokoš, Yalong Trade s.r.o.
Blood can be irradiated by either the intravenal, the skin or the intranasal method, with the lattermost one becoming the most spread these days. The intravenal method is the most widely described one, since there exist hundreds medical studies about it and it has been used in Russia for 20 years and in Germany and other countries of western Europe for over 10 years. The intranasal method has been applied for 10 years and its mechanisms are the same. Nasal blood irradiation, however, also stimulates Your meridians, since the laser light works as a needle in acupuncture, i.e. it stimulates the acupuncture points within the nose.
The first doctors to use the internal blood irradiation method were cardiosurgeons E.N. Meshalkiny and V.S. Sergievski (1981), followed by gradual applications of the method in stomatology, endocrinology, urology, cardiology, surgery and neurosurgery, gastroenterology, oncology, lung medicine and other areas of medicine.
The effects mentioned below belong to the basic mechanism those ILBI (Intranasal Laser Blood Irradiation) treatment factors that are cited during almost all activities concerning laser blood irradiation: |
How come it works with so many diseases?
Is it not harmful?
The universality of low-energy laser irradiation`s biological effectiveness, and particularly the method of blood irradiation, is conditioned by the influence on regulation and homeostasis support on the lower cellular and subcellular levels. However, the irradiation also corrects physiological reactions on higher levels. The pathological focal points of these processes are the first places in which people notice an improvement, but enhancements of rheological blood properties and microcirculation help to spread the improvements into all organs. This is why it works with so many diseases.
Only a very small amount of energy enters into the organism, only about 9Joule / 5mW during 30min. (or 1 800 sec.). Part of it leaves the body immediately. Just for illustration, a daily dose of consumed food brings more than a million times greater amount of energy into our body. The laser light energy is absolutely clean, it is not affected by digestive processes and is totally without harmful constituents. It is much cleaner than what we breathe, eat or drink. This energy helps the state of the human organism to normalize. Laser blood irradiation has normalizing and regulative effects – it uses the organism`s regulatory mechanisms to either stimulate or hinder certain activities when necessary. The answer therefore is – it is definitely not harmful. The effect is only and purely a normalizing one, working on a scale allowed by the particular body.
Laser blood irradiation triggers changes in blood production elements, changing the properties of blood itself (blood plasma composition, rheological properties etc.) which leads to reactions on the level of whole organs and tissues.
When suffering from a disease, blood properties become particularly significant. Only pathological affection (infection, influence of various substances) on blood itself exposes it to changes. Biochemical changes that our blood experiences during lifetime are a reflection of emerging damage to our organism. Our organs are connected to each other by blood vessels and blood. Our blood is therefore a kind of reporter of everything that takes place in our body. One of the first things low-level laser blood irradiation triggers is the activation of microcirculation. It works on the tissue level, its performance is universal for all organs, where it helps with restructuring by means of intensifying certain functions of cell parts.
Improvements in microcirculation and supplying of various tissues with oxygen by means of ILBI (Intranasal Laser Blood Irradiation) are closely connected to the positive effects of low-level laser blood irradiation on the exchange of substances, because it also increases the oxygenation of energy materials – glucose, piruvat, lactose. [Skulchenko V.V., 1991].
Our company is a professional company in the import and selling of semiconductor laser diode in china, quality control of semiconductor laser diode is very professional. This product is used by the 650nm is a semiconductor laser diode wavelength which is human gold, semiconductor laser science is the core components of the most important therapeutic instrument,We are currently in domestic medical industry with the largest supplier of imported laser diodes, laser diodes are from all of the company: Germany, Korea and Japan, America, (such as: OSRAM, COHERENT, SAMSUNG, SANYO, MITSUBISHI).
In the beginning of 2014 the first generation of laser three wrist therapy instrument was born, after extreme quality inspection work for three consecutive months and clinical trials, and the market all similar laser treatment instrument comprehensive comparison, the company's products is absolutely a full market price, the most advantage of the highest!
please you must read the manual before using it, to ensure that all functions can make full use of the semiconductor laser therapy instrument, and ensure the safe use of!
1 do not see the laser beam directly!!
2:in order to avoid harm to the eyes ,Make sure the product is placed in the place where children can not reach.
3. The work that may interfere with cardiac pacing device recommends wearing cardiac pacing patients carefully use this product.
4. Elderly patients and the sensitive people from low power between the period of starting treatment, when the body to adapt to the increase in power after treatment, 1 to 2 times a day, time with 30 minutes advisable.
5. Treatment at the same time should pay attention to diet and reasonable adjustment, supplemented by an appropriate amount of exercise, to strengthen the body's metabolism.
6. Be sure to use the instrument dedicated charger and other accessories, prohibit private configuration to use.
7. The use of nasal cavity irradiation, the application of clear water or saline nasal dirt before irradiation, similarly, also want to keep the surface of the laser illuminator cleanliness and hygiene, otherwise, will lead to loss of light increases, the serious influence therapeutic effect.
8. Patients with disease of heart head blood-vessel initially when using this product, please don't to reduce drug dosage or stopping medication, when symptoms have improved after only under a doctor's told can gradually by drugs or drug withdrawal.
9. Use after laser irradiation, thirst, dry eyes, speed up the pulse, and even the symptom such as dizziness belong to normal phenomenon (suggest) plenty of water.
10. Contraindications: pregnancy, cancer, patients with hemorrhagic disease.
一 Summary………………………1
六 NAME OF PART…………………………5
九 TABOOSYMPTOM……………………………11
十 Trouble shooting……………11
十三 Clinical trial analysis and conclusion……………
十四 Production List…………………………
【一、 summary】 |
With the improvement of living standards, changes in diet, high blood viscosity, high blood fat, high blood sugar has become a common phenomenon, and disease caused by coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, cerebral thrombosis, cerebral infarction and cerebrovascular disease rate is increasing year by year.
Semiconductor laser therapy instrument is developed according to the modern medicine and clinical practice, household type portable laser therapeutic instrument. It creatively realized the wrist radial artery, Neiguan, Lingdao points, Tongli and nasal cavity irradiation simultaneously, the more exact curative effect, the use of more convenient, more humane. The number of hospital clinical trials to obtain a good therapeutic effect.
Laser irradiation of blood biochemical indexes in order to change the physical therapy, is one of the methods of treatment of domestic and foreign mature cardio cerebrovascular diseases at present. Optical radiation and wavelength dependence changes of cellular biological characteristics of laser, increase cell activity, enhance the cell oxygen carrying capacity, improve cell deformability, reduce molecular concentration of blood, improving blood rheology, reduce triglycerides, cholesterol, prevent the occurrence of heart disease, cerebral thrombosis, myocardial infarction, rhinitis and other diseases.
Semiconductor laser therapy apparatus condensation of the domestic famous cardiovascular medical authorities and the number of laser medical experts efforts, absorb the essence of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, the number of domestic authoritative medical institutions clinical trials prove that the product has good curative effect on hyperviscosity and hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and rhinitis etc..
The biggest feature of the treatment instrument is that the use of safe and reliable, easy to operate, curative effect. Not only is suitable for medical units, household physiotherapy instrument is one of common ideal family. The United Nations is green therapy strongly recommend absolutely non-invasive, no side effect to human body.
Hyperviscosity syndrome, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, ischemic rhinitis
1:in patients with cerebral vascular disease.
(1) stroke, cerebral thrombosis, cerebral infarction, stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral atrophy, and the legacy of the disease patients.
(2) patients with cardiovascular diseases.
(3) hyperlipemia caused by heart disease, coronary heart disease, angina, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia.
2:three high population
Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, frequent headaches, dizziness, palpitation and shortness of breath, fatigue weakness, numbness of extremities.
3:sub healthy people
Low immunity, easy to sick people. Premature aging, lose presence of mind, Yaoxisuanruan, memory decline, night urination symptoms.
4:the poor sleep
Difficulty falling asleep, not sleeping, wake up early, woke up could not sleep. Insomnia and dreaminess, easy to wake up
Poor quality of sleep.
5:rhinitis population
Nasal congestion, dizziness, headache, runny nose, sneezing, itchy nose, smell decline and other symptoms.
Semiconductor laser therapy apparatus using a laser wavelength of 650nm (the only one household spectrometer screening each laser diode, ensure that the center wavelength of the most close to 650nm, the wavelength is close to the 650nm effect of the more notable) of low intensity laser irradiation of radial artery, Neiguan, Lingdao points, Tongli and nasal cavity by the photochemical effect, make blood sugar metabolism hemodynamics and the blood lipid, improve, thereby increasing the oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cells and deformability, reduce blood viscosity, reduce blood fat, lower blood pressure, improve blood sugar, to the treatment of Three Tenors disease and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease objective. Also, through the nasal cavity irradiation, also on acute rhinitis, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis has good therapeutic effect.
The optical window of Body
Human tissue is mainly composed of water, hemoglobin and melanin composed of living cells, heat loss and damage the laser wavelength effect the smallest known as "human optical window". Medical research shows that: the nasal cavity and radial artery are human vascular network dense distribution sites, and are human arterial and venous anastomosis. Skin and mucosa, muscle and vascular wall of these parts are relatively thin and blood flow is large, easy injection. Blood fluorescence laser excited mainly in the 600-670nm between. The spectral peaks at, by molecular fluorescence emission mechanism is not difficult, stimulate blood from ground state to excited state, by a 650nm laser as the laser source is the most effective, the best treatment effect.
The blood irradiation can improve the blood viscosity
Because of the wavelength of 650nm laser irradiation of blood, this wavelength of laser were blood oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin strongly absorbed. Because of red blood cells in the blood of about 95%, hematocrit is one of the important factors influencing the viscosity of blood, especially the performance of viscosity at low shear rate; red blood cell in the flow deformation and orientation is the impact of high shear rate is an important factor of blood viscosity, so when the blood absorption of laser energy. Red blood cell surface lipid layer stripping, so that the red blood cell recovery live performance, Gai Shanhong cell volume, deformability and aggregation, so that the blood rheological properties improved, blood viscosity is reduced, so that the blood around the body, especially the end of improving microcirculation. Research shows that: 650nm laser irradiation of blood, can reduce the blood viscosity and platelet aggregation, improve red cell deformability, prevention and treatment of ischemic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, especially, can cause cell membrane structure and function change, so the membrane enzyme receptor surface charge distribution changes, membrane stability increased, reduced from the blood viscosity. Platelet aggregation, reduce the deformation of reinforced and red blood cells. In addition, it can cause the thromboxane A2 (TXA2) and prostaglandin I2 (PGI2) changes, resisting platelet aggregation, regulating vascular function, prevent the occurrence of thrombotic diseases.
Laser irradiation of blood to improve the blood oxygen carrying capacity
Laser irradiation of blood, due to red cell surface lipid layer stripping, the permeability of the erythrocyte membrane improved, can obviously improve blood oxygen carrying capacity, so that cells use ability and the oxidation process of oxygen enhanced, so as to improve the body of oxygen.
Laser Irradiation Blood lowering blood lipid, total cholesterol
Laser irradiation of blood lipid metabolism, corrected quickly and effectively maintain the abnormal lipid metabolism balance level in the body. The cell membrane, cholesterol, phospholipid ratio normalization, improve the fluidity of the membrane stability. At the same time the anti lipid peroxidation of free radical scavenging ability of free radical damage.
Laser irradiation can quickly repair damaged nasal mucosa lesions improved rhinitis
The surface irradiation damaged mucosa, can quickly repair the wound; irradiation nasal mucosa, nasal cavity to improve blood circulation around the local, improve nasal mucosal immunity, the effect of acute rhinitis, chronic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and so have a good.
Laser Media: GaA1As semiconductor laser
激光波长:650 nm
The laser wavelength: 650 nm
Using laser quantity: 5 ~ 9
Each laser terminal maximum output power: 4 ~ 5mW
Terminal laser output control: four speed adjustable
定时范围:1-30分钟 任意可调
Timing range: 1 30 minutes adjustable
Power supply: DC3.6V ~ 4.2V
The charger output voltage: 5.0V
Instrument power consumption: less than 1W
Environment temperature: 0 ℃ ~ 60 ℃
Relative humidity: ≤ 80%
Atmospheric pressure: 860kpa ~ 1069kpa
Main Configuration :
Treatment mainly consists of the host, a liquid crystal display, wristbands, external laser, battery, charger.
1 instruments creatively combines the radial artery, Neiguan, Lingdao points, Tongli and nasal cavity irradiation, to achieve a number of key parts of the irradiated at the same time, the more significant effect.
2 instruments and automatic shutdown and quantitative timing irradiation treatment function, make its use more convenient, more humane.
3 a year, month, day of the instrument and, time display, can use it as watch, realize one machine with multiple functions.
4 laser nose clip and wristbands wrist lasers, completely according to the physiological curve and ergonomic design, more comfortable, more safe and reliable.
5 the operation procedure is simple, intelligent, energy-saving design, use more save worry.
6 small volume, easy to carry, can achieve any adhere to treatment, to ensure that according to the course of use.
preparation before treatment
(1) the need for irradiation nasal treatment, the random external laser into the host corresponding socket.
(2) the laser guiding head clean, then will light the nose into the nasal cavity, the nasal alar nose clip fixed light. Note: the laser light point should be gathered on the bridge of the nose the center position, but also in human nasal mucosa in place.
(3) the need for irradiation of radial artery during the treatment, will host fixed on the wrist strap. Note: set their indicator should be flush with the outer edge of the wrist wrist from the outside, so that the laser energy is accurate through radial artery and Neiguan acupoint irradiation
1 :operation manual
(1) Power on : press and hold “”for 3~5 seconds
(2) Power off :press and hold “”for 3~5 seconds
(3) Setting mode :after power on ,“00:00”flashing,press“”key one time,the machine work after 5 seconds,30 minutes working time for Default with maximum output power
Factory has set a good year, month, day, time, if you don't need to reset the working time and the laser power was used to make any of the following regulation
(4) Setting time :after startup, the short press "" button twice, go into work" set time "mode, the LCD screen" working hours "began to blink, press the" + ", "-" button to adjust working time (0-30 minutes). After machine is in working status, "working hours" set stop bottom to wait. The model can adjust the working time of "minutes", adjusting range of 1 ~ 30 minutes, adjustment after the completion of a short press "" button to exit
(5) Setting out power:short press“”key go into power setting mode。 “功率”flashing,press“+”、“-”key to adjust power。Short press“”key saved and exit.
(6) Setting date:short press“”to setting date mode。press“+”、“-”adjust the date.press“”key change to year,month and hours.press“”key saved and exit.
(7) Reset:When therapeutic apparatus in the process of work, if there is a button no response, such as LCD screen stops beating not normal phenomenon, try to turn it off after boot up again. If you can't shut down, please use toothpick objects such as nozzle, gently insert the power supply interface and external laser pin in the middle of the small hole, the holes inside there is a reset button, after that the keys gently system will be reset again. Equivalent to restart after reset, so the machine does not have any effect, please be assured that use.
(1) when the battery icon start flashing, said the battery has run out, need to charge in time to ensure normal work.
(2) the charger for dedicated 5 v direct current, must not because the other charger plug can be inserted into the therapeutic apparatus is used directly! Or is likely to burn out, an instrument!
(3) the first three time charge, the charging time should be kept in more than five hours.
(4) instrument when charging, the charger indicator shows a red light, the LCD battery symbol would jump back and forth one division division; The charging is complete LCD battery symbol full display and stop beating.
(5) prohibit instrument therapy USES while charging, it won't produce any danger, but will damage the battery service life.
(6) instrument when not in use for a long time, please charge once every 2 months at least, to extend the service life of the battery and ensure the date and time will not stop because of batteries, saturation charge every time it will take about 2 ~ 5 hours.
laser laser mark
Pregnancy/cancer with hemorrhagic disease patients
【十、Trouble shooting】 |
Error |
reason |
Solving method |
Cannot power on |
press key too short |
Press and hold 3-5seconds |
No power |
With charger |
Wrong parts |
Connect after service |
Cannot power off |
press key too short |
press more time |
No light |
No press key |
Press power on |
Laser defective |
Back to repair |
Display wrong |
Too high(low) temperature |
-5~+55°C |
LED screen Damaged |
Connect after service |
No respond |
Press wrong key |
Refer to manual |
Key damaged |
Connect after service |
Hang up |
Reset |
Cannot changing |
Changing damaged or lower power supply |
changed power supply |
Power Cable damaged |
Changed it |
Using changing higher than 5VDC |
Connect after service |
Battery |
Connect after service |
1. If the instrument is good down, please according to the common failures and solutions to inspect, eliminate, still can't solve, should contact service, please do not remove, repair, secretly to avoid unnecessary loss. 2. The instrument surface dirt, please use cotton dips in neutral cleaning fluid to wipe, do not use organic solvents, gas cleaning, etc. 3. The instrument glowing mouth or treatment head with dirt, dip in with cotton ball alcohol wipe gently, it is strictly prohibited to use any liquid immersion or dig with good thing in addition to clean up. 4. The instruments do not store in damp, high temperature, the sun direct illuminate, lest cause internal components ageing, shorten service life. 5. Please do not put them with the hard to avoid scratches or damage to the laser instrument surface. 6. The first three time charge, the battery icon flashes, time not less than five hours. 7. Instrument when not in use for a long time, please charge once at least every 2-4 months, is favorable to the maintenance of the battery.
Dear customer:
Thank you for your choose and buy the products of the company, "customer satisfaction as the only standard" is my company's service concept, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of you, avoid the trouble back at home that except you buy used, I promised you to make the following company, provide to you within this standard perfect warranty service.
(a) change or warranty scope:
1. Within one year from the date of purchase, quality problems under the condition of normal use, by the product warranty card free replacement.
2. More than one year, the company provide free maintenance service.
3. More than two years, the company provide free maintenance service, but take into consideration the charge material cost.
(2) the following situations is not in the scope of this consignment, warranty, the company will charge a repair:
1. Do not produce the product warranty and warranty card.
2. The damage caused by the careless use or error.
3. Because to remove the faults.
4. The damage caused by natural disasters.
5. Over the warranty period, take into consideration the charge cost of raw materials.
6. Due to accidents or man-made reasons.
7. The instrument shell, specification, packaging, warranty card and other accessories.
【十三、Clinical trial analysis and conclusion 】 |
Semiconductor laser fields of high adhesion, and hyperlipidemia, ischemic disease of heart head blood-vessel, rhinitis have good curative effect, etc. In the prevention and treatment of heart disease, cerebral thrombosis, myocardial infarction, rhinitis, heartache, critical disease such as dark, elbow pain cramps are unique.
【十四、Production List】 |
1. The therapeutic host 1
2. 1 set of laser therapeutic apparatus 1
3. Chargers 1
4. 4. instruction manual 1
5. Warranty card 1
6. Packing box 1
7. gift bag 1