Firstsing FS09071 Apple Shaped Universal Docking Charger Holder for iPhone 4/iPad/iPhone 3G/3GS
1. Compact design and highly match with Apple Ipad/Ipod Touch/Iphone 3G/3GS/4G.
2. This Universal Docking Charger synchronizes and charges the Ipad/Ipod Touch/Iphone 3G/3GS/4G with USB-enabled PC/Notebook.
3. This charger would also make an ideal extra cradle for the office.
4. This Universal Docking Charger holds the Iphone at a comfortable reading angle.
5. Connect the Dock to an electrical outlet and it will charge with your iphone 4, The charger has Line Out function, you can enjoy the music when you charge the Ipad/Ipod Touch/Iphone 3G/3GS/4G.
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