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Изображение FirstSing FS09195 80GB Hard Drive for 5th Gen iPod w/ Video (MK8010GAH 2nd Gen)

FirstSing FS09195 80GB Hard Drive for 5th Gen iPod w/ Video (MK8010GAH 2nd Gen)

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FirstSing FS09195 80GB Hard Drive for 5th Gen iPod w/ Video (MK8010GAH 2nd Gen)

Get a replacement Hard Disk Drive for your 5th Generation iPod with Video (Revision 2).
This item is a brand new dual-labeled Apple-Toshiba Hard Drive and will work in the ALL iPod Video units.
Model number may vary slightly from the picture above, but is an accurate representation of the drive.
80GB Hard Drive for 5th Gen iPod w/ Video (MK8010GAH 2nd Gen), You may receive an 80GB unbranded Toshiba
drive: MK8009GAH (HDD1764 A ZL01) which works for All iPod Video units. The 8009 series is the same drive
without the apple logo. Functionality remains the same for both drives.


This item is compatible with earlier models, and can be used to UPGRADE a 30GB iPod Video to an
80GB iPod Video. If you plan to upgrade from the 30GB you will need to select a larger backing
to accommodate the new drive size.

To check and see which revision you have, simply browse to the settings on your iPod and click on "About".
If your model number matches any of the ones below then you can upgrade your iPod Video to an 80GB drive:

Fifth-Enhanced (5.5G) Generation (Video)

* 30GB white: MA444LL/A

* 30GB black: MA446LL/A

* 80GB white: MA448LL/A

* 80GB black: MA450LL/A

Fifth (5.0G) Generation (Video)

* 30GB white: MA002LL/A

* 30GB black: MA146LL/A

* 60GB white: MA003LL/A

* 60GB black: MA147LL/A

* 30GB U2: MA452LL/A

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