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LTU PCB 1175 for Liteon DG-16D5S

LTU PCB 1175 for Liteon DG-16D5S

SKU编号: FS00037059
LTU PCB 1175 for Liteon DG-16D5S
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Do you have a faulty Liteon DG-16D5S or Hitachi DLN10N DVD in your Xbox 360? Are you swapping your drive to another console and are unable to program your firmware due to write protection being enabled?

Good news for all Lite-On 1175 DG-16D5S owners who have been (im)patiently awaiting c4eva's custom iXtreme LT+ v3.0 firmware for their drives. Team Xecuter announced today the forthcoming availability of a brand new product, the Lite-On 1175 DG-16D5S Unlocked Replacement PCB. This new unlocked replacement PCB is similar in nature to the v1.0/v1.1 version previously released for the Lite-On DG-16D4S drive model.

As with the DG-16D4S, the SPI is also locked on the DG-16D5S (in addition to the firmware being encrypted), so this replacement PCB allows for the user to unlock and re-lock the SPI at will, and offers full ability to write stock or custom firmware to the drive.

The Xecuter Lite-On 1175 DG-16D5S Unlocked Replacement PCB will soon be in full production and will be released in conjunction with c4eva's iXtreme LT+ v3.0 for Lite-On 1175 DG-16D5S which will move into the team testing stage shortly. Details concerning key dumping and the necessary processes and/or hardware will be announced at a later time, but c4eva himself has revealed that it will NOT require RGH.

Yet again Xecuter have made the previously impossible, possible.

  • Fits all Liteon DG-16D5S Drives
  • Can run all latest firmware versions for Liteon DG-16D4S, Liteon DG-16D5S and Hitachi DLN10N
  • Easily programmable using the X360USB PRO V1 or V2 (Update to the latest firmware v20.1)
  • Requires the latest Jungle Flasher 0.1.94(320) & J-Runner 0.2.286
  • C4E's new LTU (LT Ultimate) firmware now allows booting of any Liteon or Hitachi based system without any previous firmware dump (inc the DG-16D4S and DG-16D5s 1175/1532 and Hitachi 0500/0502 firmwares) – all you need is the DVD Key and FCRT.bin which can be extracted using RGH or DGX if it's a newer version.
  • Includes solderless quick install adapter
  • Includes heatsink for drive controller IC