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Panel Remover Set

Panel Remover Set

SKU编号: FS9100321
The puller is used to safely unfasten upholstery clips used to connect elements of the interior and car body
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Panel Remover Set

Wide lever: 160 x 60 mm 95 ° bend angle
Double curved lever: 180 x 60 mm with a 30 mm eye and a cutout
Double Snap Bucket 200x30mm, 1x90o, 1x30o 180x20mm, 1x 90 °, 1x 30 °
Lever with a release clamp 210x20mm 1x30 °
Lever with pointed tip 200x25mm
Lever with blunt ending on both sides 200x20mm
Lever with blunt ending on both sides 200x20mm
Lever with a handle and 200x40mm serrations
Lever with a clamp 200x30mm
Lever 190x30mm 75 °
Specialist pullers for disassembling car upholstery and strips. Strippers are made of hardened nylon, they have special profiles that enable the use of a lever when removing upholstery pins. The advantage of pullers is that they do not leave permanent scratches and damage to the upholstery, which affects the aesthetics of the car interior. The set is recommended for work in car, upholstery, tinsmith and paint services.
The puller is used to safely unfasten upholstery clips used to connect elements of the interior and car body. It releases the pin or expansion bolt from the hole using the fork structure of the working tip and the arm lever.