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Electric Longboard 800w-2000w Motor Power Skateboard

Electric Longboard 800w-2000w Motor Power Skateboard

SKU编号: FS994786
Electric Longboard 800w-2000w Motor Power Skateboard
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Model Number: Electric Skateboard
Size: 200W,300W,400W,500W,600W,800W,1000W,1200W,1300W Color: can be customized
Battery: Super capacity LiFePO4
battery core: high hardness and Light core
Belt: 3M wider
Belt trucks: Magnesium alloy High strength trucks
Deck: 8 ply all canadian hard maple
bearings: super Strength and smooth ceramic bearings
Wheels material: DuPont MDI high rebound polyurethane
bolts: Alloy steel bolts
grip: SiC grip
Max speed:35km
charging interval:2Hours
single motor :1200watts