Wiitennis racket
Introduction of function
This tennis rackets should be fun for everyone. This racket offers tennis sports experiences, everyone using the racket controller to provide a natural, intuitive and realistic feeling. To play a tennis game, what you need to do is pick up a controller and get ready for the pitch, serve or right hook. If you’ve played any of these tennis before, you’re ready for fun!
Simple, intuitive and fun are buzzwords that have been shoved in our face since Tennis Racket in the NWii, but I can’t really think up any better words to describe my experience with this Tennis Racket. Sure, it’s just a tennis game, but it’s one that requires you to wave an imaginary racket in hopes of hitting a clump of polygons representing a ball. I wouldn’t say that the game is more immersive or realistic, as it still feels like a very laid-back and simple session of whacking a ball back and forth. The Tennis Racket controller is very reactive to your motions, and I quickly felt confident that the location of my virtual racket within 3D space.