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Image de iPhone 5 Nano SIM Adapter

iPhone 5 Nano SIM Adapter

SKU: FS00036979
iPhone 5 Nano SIM Adapter
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Now Apple's iPhone 5 packs an all-new Nano Sim(The past iPhones, you just have been able to cut a SIM card to fit a Micro SIM card slot), but this time it looks like users will be out of luck when it comes to cutting a Micro SIM to Nano SIM size. But do not worry about it,These Nano SIM Adapter have already hit the market, of course.Your can convert your Micro sim or standard sim via this nano sim adapter, so we'd advise picking one up the same time you visit the phone store. and then your Nano sim will be match all mobile devices.With this Adapter,Nano-SIM cards could not pose any challenge for iPhone 5 users any more.Here Below is how nano SIM adaptors look like.