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Picture of 到底我们有多少心


SKU: FS9101773
Cloud, ocean, ice, mountain and all things in the world, their original nature is empty, is selfless, but conditions are in existence, then it has a karmic reward because of conditions, just like iphone, which is composed of many material, designer is cause, material is condition, final product is result, function is karmic reward. So does the same apply to our human being, our own habits are causes, parents are conditions, becoming a person is result, and a person’s life is karmic reward.
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请各位看看是天? 是云? 是海? 是冰? 有什么不同? 9/24/2013(二)

Written by Steven Yau 9/26/2013(四) 邱吉颂

English translated by John Ho 10/17/2013(四)

@纽约世佛讲堂高老师 stevenyau3030302600:


9/26/2013 (Thursday) @New York Global Fu Kuo Charity Foundation Inc., Teacher Kathy kao (1) Teacher Kao’s beautiful sky picture is full of Zen contemplations, please allow students to talk about the meaning of Zen so the teacher could give some advice. Sky represents empty nature, it includes all things, just like our peaceful and pure nature of Tathagata garbha, it is the immaculate truth. White cloud, ocean, ice, mountain and other external objects are wonderful


existence, all things arise because conditions, all would perish without conditions, just like our thoughts, it exists when conditions are accumulated together, it is empty when conditions are gone. Our Tathagata garbha is empty but it contains all things.


(2) Cloud, ocean, ice, mountain and all things in the world, though they differs greatly, but their nature is Buddha nature, why is it that the non sentient beings also possess Buddha nature, because all thing in the universe are in the form of wave when analyzed to the very ultimate particles, is also empty nature, it is the very world when our minds and thoughts are being evoked, our spontaneous ability to observe and passivity of being observed, organ faculties and outside environment cannot be separated.


(3)Why cannot it be separated, the mind, which could observe and the outside environment, which could be observed just resemble mirror and shadow, mirror has no shadow, then doesn’t know the existence of mirror, if the shadow does not have the help of mirror, also does not show. Mirror is shadow, shadow is mirror, form is mind, mind is form, and true form is life has no form, though it has no form, but it also contains form because all things in universe are all its form.


(4) Cloud, ocean, ice, mountain and all things in the world, their original nature is empty, is selfless, but conditions are in existence, then it has a karmic reward because of conditions, just like iphone, which is composed of many material, designer is cause, material is condition, final product is result, function is karmic reward. So does the same apply to our human being, our own habits are causes, parents are conditions, becoming a person is result, and a person’s life is karmic reward.



(5)When we realize all things in the world are all should be selfless, when in empty, we are able to let go of the stubborn attachment of outside, external objects and environment, the nature of our mind is selfless, is empty nature, is without any attachment of outside environment, just like the sky, which could include all things, never being polluted, just like a piece of dirty clothe, clothe is never dirty, what is dirty is the dust or the outside, external environment being attached. Buddha has lectured so many dharma Sutras patiently just to treat our selfish and parochial narrow mind.


(6) When we understood our selflessness through seeable outside environment, then the unseen internal form is sound, fragrance, taste, touch, dharma, also need to understand its selflessness. Sound only is to be perceived when conditions are gathered. No matter if it is the sound of impact, or the sound of speaking, all are selfless. Our speaking sounds could be delivered through vibration depends on our throat’s vibration, tong’s rolling, it is still our own mind differentiate the sound.


(7) Therefore sound is mind, mind is sound, others like smell, taste, touch, darma, and so on so forth, all of these are all material world, when our 6 organ faculties are constrained, we are extremely exhausted, and therefore it is called tiresome environment and affliction, youngsters have attachment to love affairs, greedy people are afflicted by money, persons who desire for


authority are afflicted by power…our life are afflicted by all these delusional forms, delusional terms, living our life just like being hired by a phony company, phony form,.


(8) When we realize all dharmas do not contain me, Buddha, teaches us how to break our ego, self attachment, teach us how to walk on Bhohisattvas’ path, 6 paramittas and myriad of practices. Buddha teaches us how to practice giving-away, one would conform to the truth of non-self when we give away our small “self”, we should always think in other people’s shoes and it is forgiving us when we forgive others. It is to hate ourselves when hold hatred to others. It is because all greed, foolishness and anger are expanded around our ego, selfness, hence mind does not set free.


(9) Once we escaped and freed ourselves from external objects, or form distractions. We are very attached to feelings; we could not able to deal with it, with one’s words or ungraceful gestures. One sentence would hurt us for an entire life. We hold on to the delusional thoughts firmly without letting it go, our mind will not be set free, we continue to suffer because of self nature. This is due to our innate self attachment ego, and customary habits.

(10)所以我们要在习气上下功夫,自己最喜欢某件事时,就是我们最贪执的地方,佛前忏悔就是洗掉自心上边的染污,衣服脏了,洗掉脏的,衣服就干净了。十法界也就在你的心中,仇恨心重的,自心就显现地狱的相; 痴心重的,自心就显现畜生道; 做善事不求回报,自心就显现天人境界。

(10) Therefore, we need to work harder on our habits, when we really like one certain aspect; it is our most greedy area. To repent in front of Buddha is to cleanse our mind pollutions, just like when the cloth is dirty and it will become clean when we wash it. All ten directions realm are in our mind, when one is more prone to hatred, then this person’s mind would exhibit the form of purgatory, if one is prone to be relationship foolish, then one’s mind will exhibit the form of


animal realm, when conducting meritorious deeds without asking for remuneration, then one’s self mind will project the realm of heavenly deities.


(11) Over all speaking, all the reincarnations continue to function around “self”, out original enlightenment is “self-less”, is empty, is prajna, is wisdom, let’s not add another head on another head, or add enlightenment on top of original enlightenment, I understood, damn it, it is this so called “I understood” enables the reincarnation continue on for unknown period of time, ignorance forms must through time, space, our and their forms, only knowing existence of wind when the tree moves, because people move, then learn about the existence of mind.


如果彻底明白stevenyau 上面的解释,就明白了【楞严经】的重点,也明白宇宙万物的起缘,人生到底是怎么一回事! 让我们共勉吧! Notes of Teacher Kao at New York Global Fu Kuo Charity Foundation, Inc. Teaching Institute: Upon thoroughly understood above explanation of Steven Yao, then the essence of Surangama Sutra could be understood, the origination of all things in universe could also be understood. Let’s all encourage each other.