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Repair Tool Kit Pro

Repair Tool Kit Pro

SKU编号: FS9100075
FS9100075 Tool Kit is a set of great travel tools
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Repair Tool Kit Pro

FS9100075 Tool Kit is a set of great travel tools. The set consists of 27 elements necessary for small repairs, all in a handbag that we can easily always have with us.
Small wire and wire cutter.
Semi-circular pins.
Straight screw grip.
Flat Key.
Set of 5-pin keys 2mm -6mm.
Length to hard to reach places.
Set of 10-screw inserts: 3x flat and 5x cross (Philips and Pozidriv) and H5 and H6
Set of 5-angle inserts 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 13mm and 14mm.
Hand-held bags of dimensions 18.5cm x 10.5cm x 4cm.