Telecompute focuses on the delivery of DigitalAnchor and Twine to small and medium enterprises (SME) in order to promote the development of these companies. The motivation for the development of Twine has been to address the issues that our clients face when striving to grow. The Information technology (IT) that is currently available to large corporations is either too complex or expensive for small and medium business, thus hindering their future development. Telecompute has taken an innovative approach to their software applications, focusing on the needs of small and medium businesses, providing these clients with the technological tools to further the expansion of their business.
Telecompute's research and experience with small businesses has shown that they face the same challenges that large corporations deal with when looking to expand. With "growth" being the number one priority all companies need to look for IT solutions in order to facilitate this progression. A strong IT solution is a necessary component for the advancement of your business.
The first key characteristic in the successful growth of an SME is their agility. The second aspect of growth is the interoperability of the business' information technology systems.
Enterprising SMEs require an on-demand approach to their business agenda. Unfortunately, until now IT solutions have not provided such flexibility - they have been isolated to a local infrastructure. Twine's on-demand system provides SMEs the opportunity to gain global accessibility and agility for their business processes.
By creating the DigitalAnchor product line like Digital Stick and DA Manager, Telecompute has established itself as a key player in delivering simple yet effective tools to address on-demand requirements.
For the first time, the delivery of Twine's integrated business and accounting solution has given businesses accessibility to a very powerful software solution. Twine gives SMEs the opportunity to use software that is comparable in power and functionality to solutions that have only been attainable by large corporations. Telecompute's solution is extremely affordable and offers a feature rich, robust system designed specifically for the SME sector.
The ease of installation and the interoperability of Twine is phenomenal. The availability of source code makes it easy for businesses to add functionality and create a custom solution.
Twine offers the benefits of a packaged, on-demand solution that can be easily customized thus providing SMEs the opportunity to grow and compete with larger corporations. Twine is the key to your business' growth. At Telecompute we provide the perfect and complete IT solution, offering your business the means to attain its great potential.
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