相关搜索: Bluetooth, Virtual Reality, android, smart phone, mtk, smart watch, Keyboard, BATTERY 查看更多
Smart Wrist-watches Intelligent Watch Waterproof Watch Fashionable Watch Exercise Pedometer For iOS/Android Gifts

Smart Wrist-watches Intelligent Watch Waterproof Watch Fashionable Watch Exercise Pedometer For iOS/Android Gifts

SKU编号: FS995939
Smart Wrist-watches Intelligent Watch Waterproof Watch Fashionable Watch Exercise Pedometer For iOS/Android Gifts
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Smart Wrist-watches Intelligent Watch Waterproof Watch Fashionable Watch Exercise Pedometer For iOS/Android Gifts 

  • Waterproof:Each Watch is tested by professional vaccum high pressure waterproof test to assure 30m waterproof at an international watch standard and ensure internal accurate movement and smart chip remain intact under complex circumstances of use

  • APP:Watch is compatible with inWatch inHealth.Data collected from Watch will be sync to inHealth App at the phone to analyze and summarize.Current data and history of exercise can be checked in inHealth immediately,easily managed and tracked.It helps to know yourself better,remind you to stay away from unhealthy,long-term sub healthy lifestyle.

  • Ecercise:By tapping the watch twice,the LED will light up and indicate exercise completion of the day.Start from 4 to 2 o'clock represents 0;10%;20% till 100% respectively.LED lights up in sequence till the represented percentage place which will also blink twice.

  • Notification:Phone calls,messages notification-LED lights up at 11,12,1 o'clock and built-in motor vibrates exercise goal completion-LED lights up by tapping on the watch.You won't miss single important message;it keeps you posted on your exercise progress.

  • Stay motivated:Share your date with your friends and let the world knows:"I've completed my goal today"Facebook,Twitter,Wechat,Wechat moments,Weibo,QQ,Qzone,Tencent micro-blog