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Изображение BlueNext Smart Bluetooth password wood door lock

BlueNext Smart Bluetooth password wood door lock

Артикул: FS9103988
1. Password door: can generate a single, time, loop, permanent password.
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Product overview

Rent bao intelligent Bluetooth password wood door lock, no need for network, with remote authorization to open the door, key authority issued and other work

scope of application

It is applicable to users and operators with remote authorization door opening, key permission distribution and other functional requirements.

1. Password door: can generate a single, time, loop, permanent password.2. Bluetooth door opening: the door lock can be opened through the Bluetooth of the mobile phone.3.IC card opening: can generate IC card swiping the door.4. Remote authorization of door opening: realize the remote authorization of others to open the door, not limited by time, region and distance.5. Unpicking record: unlocking time, the full record can be queried.6. Automatic authorization / cancel the key: automatically cancel the key for the unpaid rent, and automatically authorize the key after paying the rent.7. Employee authority: realize corporate and hierarchical management.8. SMS notification: When the remaining rental days are below the set threshold, the tenant will be notified to pay the rent by SMS.