FirstSing Disposable e-Cigar 1500 Puffs
With over a year in development "e-Cigar" premium disposable electronic cigar was made to look, taste, and smell like the real thing.
With 1.8 percent nicotine by volume, it is mild and medium flavored with rich thick vapor and unique sweet pure tobacco aroma.
"e-Cigar" is good for approx 1500 puffs or 10-13 traditional cigars and is developed with the same disposable technology as their cigarettes.
With no tar, no tobacco, no second hand smoke, and no carbon monoxide. We gives you more freedom to smoke where you want when you want.
Disposable e-Cigar comes fully charged and ready to smoke. There are no wires, no refills, no chargers and no hassles.
So just enjoy the new type of cigar smoking experience where you never have to look for an ash tray again!
Disposable e-Cigar ,Disposable Cigar use it for 2-4 days and dispose it. The Disposable Cigare produce unbelievable vapor and flavor From 1300mAh battery.each Disposable e Cigar good for 1500 puffs
Once you Open the cigar it is ready to use and will be available
until the batteries run out (2 To 4 Days), only works when you inhale.
Content: 1 Disposable Cigar
Battery capacity:1300mAh
1500 puffs when full battery
<td class=%
1 | Virginia | 32 | Cola |
2 | Tobacco | 33 | Vanilla |
3 | Marlboro |