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Picture of Wii guitar hero drum

Wii guitar hero drum

SKU: FS00035734
Wii guitar hero drum
Reproduction is welcome and allowed for free circulation only.
1.Power on wii console。After insert withcontroller ,then turn two lock button which inner controller placed cases left till the cover spring freedom.take the cover off.After connect controller and cover back.
2.When you enter into game main menu,can beat"green" drum face to confirm option,"red " color drum face turn back.Select "QUICKPLAY" after confirm and enter list od songs.
3.After enter list of songs move "3D" aspect key " to choose your love song and beat"green"drum t confirm.After confirm, the light will bright front of song(eg.:picture2,the game can continue to choose 6songs max.)Finish it ,press "+" key.The list of game difficulty level,please move "3D" aspect key" to choose 6 songs max.)drum confirm as before then enter game.
4.when play game,according the different color note of screen ,knock the insert color drum activation game.