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Sport GPS Smart Watch Monitor Sleep Pulse Oximeter

Sport GPS Smart Watch Monitor Sleep Pulse Oximeter

SKU编号: FS9100605
This watch is waterproof according, which makes it ideal for swimming, showering or spa day
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Sport GPS Smart Watch Monitor Sleep Pulse Oximeter

Follow your every move with the help of more than twenty inserted GPS sports applications and indoor activity applications, including: Walking, running, cycling, swimming in the pool and golf.
The watch can plan training for you, including yoga training, strength training, performance training or pilates.
Just touch the watch shield. It's easy, untouchable payments.
Check your body's energy levels all day long so you can find the best time to exercise and rest.
The pulse oximeter measures blood contamination during the day and during sleep to check how the body absorbs oxygen.
Make sure your day is calm or stressful. Remembers of relaxation inform you of the need to perform short breathing exercises when you experience stress.
Use the FS9100605 in a compatible smartphone to track the cycle, record physical and emotional symptoms, as well as get information about training and nutrition during each phase of the cycle. You can even get access to dot information. Clock tracking.
Register daily fluid intake to remember appropriate irrigation. You can even set a watering target that will adjust depending on how much you sweat during exercise.
Monitor breathing during the day, during sleep, breathing exercises and yoga.
Monitor sleep quality based on shallow, deep and REM sleep time, pulse oximeter data and respiratory information.
The watch continuously checks the pulse and informs when i t is high during rest. This helps to assess the intensity of effort during exercises, even underwater.
When you want to relax or focus, you can do breathing exercises, and the clock will track stress and breathing, showing how you breathe.
Email messages, SMS messages and alerts can be received directly in a watch paired with a matching smartphone. You can even respond to text messages if you have an Android phone.
This watch is waterproof according, which makes it ideal for swimming, showering or spa day.