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2x4 Aluminum Ladder 2.67m

2x4 Aluminum Ladder 2.67m

SKU编号: FS9101227
A solidly constructed double-sided ladder with wide steps riveted to the stringers in aviation technology.
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2x4 Aluminum Ladder 2.67m

2x4 aluminum ladder 2.67m
A double-sided ladder with wide steps.

Steps riveted to stringers in aviation technology.
40 x 24 cm platform.
Anodized aluminum profiles.
Load 150 kg.
Complies with the European standard EN 131.

Ladder weight 6.00 kg.

A solidly constructed double-sided ladder with wide steps riveted to the stringers in aviation technology.
The maximum load of the ladder is 150 kg.
Anodized aluminum profiles additionally protect the ladder against corrosion.